Surge In Anti-Distraction Apps Prompt Debate About Efficacy

Posted on December 9, 2013

A new report takes a look at a growing industry of apps that seek to help drivers get away from engaging in distracting activities with their phones, but it also points out a growing concern that these apps are actually doing more harm than good.  A Texting Awareness Foundation spokesperson, for instance, points out that an app that would require some type of driver input is still going to be a distraction that isn’t as helpful as simply keeping a phone turned off entirely.  The creator of an app called Road Wars believes differently.  He thinks that an app may be necessary to correct a phone-answering habit that has become ingrained in our minds as a society.  The particular app he created turns safe driving into a competition that uses a point system to reward safe driving while penalizing unsafe actions.

For more about the debate, click here.

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