Mower Safety Applies To Winter Months In Warmer Climes

Posted on December 13, 2013

Although much of the country is dealing with heavy amounts of snowfall, that isn’t the case across the board.  In Southern California and other parts of the country, we can look forward to warm weather throughout the year, which means that lawnmower safety tips never go out of vogue.  A new report provides some important safety tips geared toward the usage of zero-turn lawnmowers, which offer the ability to essentially turn at without effort, and if you’re using such a unit, you should keep the advice in mind.

Considering that the tips hail from Green Industry Pros magazine, it’s not surprising to see the tips geared toward employers, who will be responsible for training workers as to the optimal usage of the device.  This is essential, as even with something as seemingly easy to use as a lawnmower, there will always be opportunities for injury.  Training should be a necessity, with all workers getting the chance to learn the intricacies of the machine and how to make adjustments so that they can do so in the safest manner out in the field.

Operators also need to be able to use the appropriate gear when using a zero-turn mower.  Earplugs are a great idea given the noise potential and the fact that employees may be using these products on a regular basis, increasing the potential damage to their hearing.  Seatbelts should be activated each time someone climbs up on the mower, and workers should have an understanding of how to engage the Rollover Protection System.  If ever there comes a time when the mower loses its footing, for lack of a better term, this can protect a worker from some of the more serious injuries that could occur.

Numerous other safety precautions will hinge on the type of lawn being cut.  Steep inclines, for instance, could prove rather hazardous for zero-turn mowers given that these could easily tumble or slide down a hill, especially if the rider isn’t accustomed to the unit quite yet.

If you come across the type of overhang or sudden drop in the grass, this needs to be given a wide berth so that there’s no chance that too much of the mower goes over the side with the rider on top of it.  Similar precautions need to be taken with any other type of obstacle so that there’s no risk of property damage or something getting caught under the blades.

Finally, an owner’s manual should always be available and consulted regularly for any questions, and at all times, persons should be cleared from the area in question so that there’s no risk of injury to others in the vicinity of the mower.  The mower should be turned off at such times.

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