Eliminate Drowning Risks Posed By An Unsupervised Backyard Pool

Posted on June 24, 2013

It’s still June, which also still means it’s still National Safety Month.  Such a broad distinction leaves room for any number of tips from various authorities, but we’d like to turn your attention to a new report that focuses on preventing accidents and tragedies from taking place in your backyard pool.

The Sacramento Fire Department’s assistant chief is particularly concerned about the potential increase in pool-related accidents during the summer.  The California Department of Health has stated that slightly more than half of the 58 drowning fatalities among kids below the age of five which occurred in 2011 took place in a pool.

You absolutely must have safeguards in place to protect your children and your guests if you’re a pool owner.  Your pool needs to be closed off from the rest of the yard, and when a gate is opened, it should automatically fall back into place.  A cover is a good idea when not in use, as is the activation of an alarm that can tell you when the surface has been breached.

One pediatrician has advised that parents take steps to ensure they won’t be called into the house for something.  Having a phone on hand is a great idea so that the ringing doesn’t bring you indoors.  Having snacks and drinks available in a cooler is another wise choice.

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