Apps That Help Ease Traffic Stress Might Also Create Distractions

Posted on August 23, 2012

It’s almost inevitable that if you spend any amount of time on the road, you’re going to hit a traffic jam at some point.  Given the onslaught of cellular phones and other mobile devices, it’s no surprise then that some enterprising companies have developed apps to help get people through or around traffic without a headache.  As we delve into each app, however, it’s important to note that using an app while driving would be considered a distraction that in many states would be against the law.

An app called Waze is at the forefront of traffic app technologies, as simply activating the app while driving will provide other app users in the area with data pertaining to your travels.  By basically crowdsourcing traffic mapping, it provides an accurate assessment of conditions and allows users to report potential deterrents.

A British app called Twitraffic analyzes Twitter messages to compile keywords such as “congestion” and “accident” to provide traffic and accident data, with the obvious drawback of potentially relying on users Tweeting while driving.

Twist doesn’t help people avoid traffic so much as avoid being late.  The app is able to analyze where you are in relation to a destination to determine when you and other parties are likely to arrive.

Finally, TomTom pledges to provide up to date map information and collects data relating to all sorts of things.  But as with all these apps, avoid distraction while behind the wheel at all costs by using the app before entering a vehicle, not while driving.

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